The Quintessential Mosaic
Up until this point, the Twelve Days has been a celebration of bright, occasionally bombastic, and always beautiful paintwork. Day Seven's bike is a marked departure from the theme, an ode to clean, brutal minimalism, absolutely devoid of pigment. It's a classic raw titanium firestarter: Mosaic's RT-1. Bound for Argentina, this RT-1 has a few special touches that make it sublimely worthy of entrance into the Twelve Days of Breathtaking Builds.
Subtle contrast. Simple aesthetics. Brushed and etched metal, standing on its own.

Zipp's new 454 NSW unique wheel shaping is inspired by the fins of a humpback whale, which help the wheel's stability in almost all conditions.

The Twelve Days of Breathtaking Builds ebbs closer to the finishing stretch tomorrow, when we'll take a nautical voyage into the azure depths of 30-ish hours of paintwork.
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