We usually don't get too excited about things like bike bags, but we do get excited about quality and the Biknd Helium travel case is in the latter category. This is most likely the most thought out soft case that we have ever seen. What do you think of when looking for the perfect bag to carry your dream bike across the pond or any other destination? Protection, ease of use, protection, smaller size so as to fit in a euro size car, protection, quality construction, room for extra wheels, protection, fits TT bikes, etc? Most of the time you can find a few of these features but not all of them in one package. Until now, this bag is amazing; it fold small for storage, is built beautifully, offers plenty of protection, fits FOUR wheels, fits in smaller cars and looks great and much more! See our excitement here?! Anyway, here is a little stop action on how easy it is to get your bike packed...
Looks somewhat big when opened fully, but it's not...
Easy to mount the bike. There are covers included to protect the crank, stem, fork blades...
Only have two wheels in this occasion, but 4 is no hassle at all.
Now, flip the cover over the wheels (the yellow thing is the air bladder). Minimal disassembly required.
Flip the other air bladder over the other wheel...
Zip up the two halves and then the cool part; pump up the air bladders that separate the wheels and the frame...
and then zip up the hard front cover, and you're ready to roll... price is $599 for the case and we have them in stock right now so call with any questions or to order one in time for all the summer bike tours...
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