Just wanted to give everyone a quick update of what's going on down here in Kona for the 2008 Ironman World Championships. Kalara and I have been here since Wednesday helping Leanda when we can and otherwise just relaxing. Today, Friday is the day that all the athletes have to take thier bikes and other gear to the starting area.

Outside our condo. Leanda is rested up and ready to go. Bike is prepped and FAST. Can't say I'm a fan of all the shnick-shnack that is put on a perfectly good time trial machine, but then again, when is the last time most of us have done a 112mile time trial with a 2 mile swim and a 26.2 mile run thrown in for good measure? not enough space under the grippers of the bibs for all the gel and food you'll need, not to mention all the water you'll drink... think I'll cut her a break on this one!

Leanda rode the 5 some miles from the condo to the start finish area mainly to see if I'd set her bike up proper I'm guessing... so far so good.
WTF??!! Really makes me want to run and buy some Oakleys. Are they compensating for something?
The worlds largest Powerbar store. No, just the scene all over downtown...
Perfect aim... someone behind us stepped on this gel packet and it all landed on Leanda's ankle in went in her shoe. Then this super nice Japanese woman pulled out her silk scarf and cleaned it all out. Everyone at the start finish were super nice and in great moods...
One last shot of the bike before the big day. This is by far the sharpest and fastest looking bike in the race. Leanda will hopefully prove the latter tomorrow.
Only the racers allowed through here, the officials have to check the bike and helmet out before it gets placed in the transition point. Based on her high finish here last year, Leandas bike will be at the front of the transition point. She should only have to take about 20 steps from the water to the bike...

This is it for today. Kalara is cooking up a great pasta, then bed. 4am wakeup, 6:45 race start. Check out www.ironmanlive.com for all updates. Leanda Cave is #108 so you can keep up with her progress. Also, keep track of Chris Hauth as he has the form to pull off a great result as well!
Will hopefully be able to take some good shots and write up a little report tomorrow... stay tuned...

Will hopefully be able to take some good shots and write up a little report tomorrow... stay tuned...
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